chapter and section | title | authority |
The University System: A Brief Introduction | Administrative Approval | |
UWSP: General Information | Administrative Approval | |
UWSP: Organization | Administrative Approval | |
UWSP: Governance Organizations | Respective governance organization, according to their procedures | |
Departments | Common Council | |
Units | Chancellor | |
Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment | Common Council | |
UW System Administration Policy 165 (Formerly ACPS-4.0) | Board of Regents | |
Reassignment and Training | Common Council | |
Resignation | Common Council | |
Recruitment Committee and Selection Process | Chancellor | |
Rehoming Policy | Chancellor | |
Wis. Admin. Code, Rules of the Board of Regents, UW System Chapters 1-13, 15 | Board of Regents | |
Personnel Rules for Faculty and Academic Staff | Common Council Chancellor Board of Regents | |
Interpretations, Guidelines, and Implementation Procedures for Personnel Rules and Policies: Faculty Appointments (excluding subsection titled, "Procedures for Post-Tenure Review and Development" | Common Council | |
Interpretations, Guidelines, and Implementation Procedures for Personnel Rules and Policies: Faculty Appointments (subsection titled “Procedures for Post-Tenure Review and Development” | Common Council Chancellor Board of Regents | |
Overview of the Process and Procedures for Faculty Appeal of Nonrenewal of Probationary Appointment (UWSP 3.07 and 3.08) and Denial of Tenure (UWSP 3.07 and UWSP 3.08m) | Common Council | |
| Interpretations, Guidelines, and Implementation Procedures for Personnel Rules and Policies: Academic Staff | Chancellor |
Academic Staff Appointment Appeals | Chancellor | |
Procedures for Hearings for Faculty on Complaints of Misconduct Under UWSP 6.01 | Common Council | |
Procedures for Hearings for Faculty on Grievances Under UWSP 6.02 | Common Council | |
Procedures for Hearing on Complaints of Academic Staff Misconduct | Common Council | |
Procedures for Hearings on Academic Staff Grievances Under UWSP 13.02 | Common Council | |
Overview of the Process and Procedures for Hearing of Charges and Notice of Dismissal of Faculty Under UWSP 4.04 | Common Council | |
Overview of the Process and Procedures for Review Hearing of Layoff/Termination of Faculty for Financial Emergency Under UWSP 5.12 | Chancellor | |
Overview of the Process and Procedures for Hearing of Charges and Notice of Dismissal of Academic Staff Under UWSP 11.04 | Chancellor | |
Overview of the Process and Procedures for Review Hearing of Layoff/Termination of Academic Staff for Reasons of Budget or Program Under UWSP 12.05 | Chancellor | |
Selected Documents Pertinent to Personnel Matters (excluding subsection titled "Open Meetings Law" and comments and interpretations of that law) | Common Council Chancellor | |
subsection titled “Open Meetings Law” and comments and interpretations of that law | State Statute - CANNOT BE CHANGED | |
Wisconsin Administrative Code, Chapters UWS 14, 16-22 | Board of Regents only | |
University of Wisconsin and UWSP Chapter 17 Nonacademic Standards and Disciplinary Procedures | Common Council Chancellor Board of Regents | |
UW System Administrative Policy 1232, (formerly UW-Stevens Point UPS Operational Policy - GEN 13) Layoff for Reasons of Budget or Program | Common Council | |
UW System Administrative Policy 1233 (formerly UW-Stevens Point Operational Policy GEN 14), Grievance Procedures | Common Council | |
4E.20 | was deleted | |
Performance Management | Chancellor | |
Disciplinary Policy and Procedures for University Staff | Chancellor | |
Text Services | Common Council | |
Chapter UWSP 14 Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures | Common Council Chancellor Board of Regents | |
Advising | Common Council | |
5.5 | was deleted | |
Faculty and Staff ID Cards | Common Council | |
Chapter UWSP 18 Conduct on University Lands | Common Council Chancellor Board or Regents | |
Student Credit Hour Guidelines for Tenure Management | Common Council | |
Graduate Course Policy | Common Council | |
Equal Access for Students with Disabilities | Common Council | |
Faculty-Student Policies | Common Council | |
Privacy of Student Records/Classroom Performance and Authorization to Release Information | Chancellor | |
Scheduling Non-Academic Off-Campus Events/Trips | Chancellor | |
Guidelines for the Use of Electronic Devices in Classrooms and Laboratories | Chancellor | |
Policies Pertaining to the Provision of Distance Education | Chancellor | |
Academic Scheduling Policies | Chancellor | |
Digital Badging | Chancellor | |
Policy Governing Instructor-Authored Materials Assigned for Text Rental or Student Purchase | Chancellor | |
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Classroom Usage Policy | Chancellor | |
University Sponsored Awards | Common Council Chancellor | |
UWSP Faculty and Staff Awards | Common Council Chancellor | |
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Hall of Fame | Common Council Chancellor | |
Academic Program Proposals | Common Council | |
Assessment | Common Council | |
Program Review | Common Council | |
Articulation Agreement | Common Council | |
Grade Review Subcommittee | Common Council | |
General Education Program: Overview | Chancellor | |
7.7 | was deleted | |
Reorganizing Academic Units | Chancellor | |
7.9 | was deleted | |
Deleting Majors, Minors, and Certificates (Program Discontinuance) | Chancellor | |
Retirement | Common Council | |
8.2 | was deleted | |
Communal Bill of Rights and Responsibilities | Common Council Chancellor | |
Institutional Use - (excluding sub-sections titled “Open Records Law” and “Facilities Planning Committee and Transportation Services policies”) | Common Council Chancellor | |
sub-section titled “Open Records Law Sections 19-21 - 19-39 Wis. Statutes 1993-94 Subchapter ii: Public Records and Property” | State Statute - CANNOT BE CHANGED | |
sub-section titled ”Facilities Planning and Space Allocation Policies" | Administrative | |
Governance Documents | respective governance organization, according to their procedures | |
9.4 | Faculty Policies - was deleted | |
Other Policies | Common Council |