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Section 19 - Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Classroom Usage Policy

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes page).

UWSP recognizes that we must prepare our students for workplaces in which the use of AI tools may be the norm rather than the exception, while also providing them with the core competencies needed to be ethical and responsible users of AI tools in their disciplines. However, every discipline requires mastery of some amount of fundamental knowledge and skills before higher-order tasks can be taken on; therefore, the use of generative AI may not be appropriate in all courses or for all tasks. As a result, the use of generative AI for the completion of graded (summative) coursework (such as final exams or projects) is not allowed at UWSP unless otherwise permitted by an instructor. Due to the diverse nature of academic disciplines, faculty and instructors in each unit (department, school, or college) should create a policy/policies that explicitly and transparently address the use of AI in academic coursework. At a minimum, such policies should outline: the kinds of AI allowed, the purposes for which it may be used, and how it should be acknowledged.

Units should carefully consider how their policies will help students to:

• Gain literacy in AI tools which allows them to be used appropriately and ethically

• Develop core competencies of the discipline (e.g., critical thinking, communication, quantitative literacy, cultural awareness) while also learning how to use AI tools

Generative AI policies should be added to course syllabi and discussed with students.