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For the most up-to-date information on employee benefits for academic staff, faculty, and university staff, including retirement, insurance, vacation, sick leave, and domestic partners, please see:

Section 1: Retirement

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes page).

Emeritus Status

A faculty or academic staff member who has rendered meritorious service to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and who has served for at least 15 years prior to retirement at this University, may be recommended by the appropriate department or functional equivalent for the title of Emeritus/a. Such status may also be granted in exceptional cases to those with less than 15 years of service. Emeritus/emerita status shall be granted at the highest academic rank held by an individual, e.g., Professor Emeritus/Emerita. The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point appreciates and encourages the continued association of its emeriti with the University, and it provides, where possible, for the continued pursuit of their scholarly and professional interests.

When faculty and staff emeriti identify themselves as members of the University community, they shall act within their area of professional competence and consider the potential impact of their actions on the reputation and welfare of the University. Faculty and staff emeriti conducting human subject research shall seek approval by the campus’ Institutional Review Board, unless, in connection with the research in question, they abstain from using their emeritus/emerita title and UWSP resources, and from making any statement suggesting UWSP involvement.

Retirement Privileges

The following section applies to all UWSP retired faculty, academic staff, and university staff, except where indicated otherwise. Retirees are encouraged to participate in commencement, convocation, and other such activities.

1. Upon request, retirees may receive any publications normally distributed to current employees.

2. Upon annual application, the University will provide parking space according to policy approved by the Chancellor and monitored by the Parking Office. For information on current policy, contact the Parking Office.

3. The first priority for office space is for teaching faculty. Office and research space, as well as a computer work station (possibly shared) for retired faculty and academic staff will be provided if available. Availability is to be determined by individual departments in consultation with the appropriate dean or administrative officer on an annual basis. Shared facilities between retirees can be expected. A telephone normally will not be provided.

4. With the consent of the department, appropriate dean or administrative office, and the Vice Chancellor, retirees may volunteer their services to the University.

5. All University facilities normally available to current UWSP employees (e.g. University Library, Dreyfus University Center, and Champions Hall) are also available to UWSP retirees. The individual departments/units shall determine which facilities for which there is a charge will be made available for the retirees.

6. At a minimum, all retirees will have access to an email account within the domain.

7. Upon request, all retirees will be granted access to all those online resources and services crucial for the continued pursuit of their scholarly and professional activities, such as UW System borrowing and Interlibrary Loan privileges, off-campus access to e-books and online databases, on-campus access to standard-load application software, and an email account with the same email address as that before retirement. Any related charges for these services will be the responsibility of the department or the retirees.

8. Use of official university stationery for research and university service, along with a physical mailbox for retirees, as determined by the department/unit head.

9. Access to office supplies, as well as free printing and copying, for research and university service, as determined by the department/unit head.

10. The university will maintain a list of emeriti. If desired, emeriti faculty and emeriti academic staff will be listed in the respective department/unit directory along with information commensurate with that posted by current faculty and academic staff (research interests, publication record, bio, resume, etc.).

11. The UWSP Point Card can remain active for retired employee activities, such as Library borrowing privileges and ticket purchases. Should this practice be abandoned, a UWSP ID card indicating retired and/or emeritus/emerita status will be issued.

12. Same access and ticket arrangements as for current UWSP employees for the use of athletic, recreational and social facilities.

13. Auditing courses at UWSP at no cost, with the permission of the instructor.