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The UW System Board of Regents sponsors several awards recognizing the excellence of UW System staff and programs. Recipients are chosen by special committees composed of Board of Regents members and are honored at Board meetings throughout the year. Current criteria and deadlines can be found at the UW System Board of Regents Awards website.

The three personnel awards committees, Academic Staff Awards Subcommittee, University Awards Subcommittee, and University Staff Awards and Programming Subcommittee, will determine UWSP’s nominees for the corresponding awards through a preliminary nomination process: the committees will issue a call for nominations, determine the nominees, and forward the nominees’ names to the Office of the Chancellor to complete the nomination process.


Two $7,500 awards are given to non-instructional administrative and professional academic staff members at UW System institutions in recognition of their exceptional service to the university.

One $7,500 award is given to a non-instructional academic staff program in recognition of the important role played by academic staff in supporting students and their success.

Selection criteria, required documentation, and timeline is available on the UW System Board of Regents Awards website.

Nominations are usually due in February.

Individual: A UW System non-instructional administrative or professional academic staff member. The nominee should provide essential services to the university while demonstrating excellence of performance, personal interaction, initiative and creativity, and outstanding achievement. They should have a fixed term, limited, and/or rolling horizon or indefinite appointment, be employed 50% or more, and have been a member of the academic staff for a minimum of twelve months.

UW-Stevens Point nominee: The winner of the previous year’s UWSP Academic Staff Excellence Award will be forwarded as the campus’s nominee for the individual Regents Academic Staff Excellence Award, if eligible.

Program: A UW System program primarily staffed by non-instructional administrative and professional academic staff. The program should provide essential services to the university while demonstrating excellence of performance, initiative and creativity, and outstanding achievement.


Two $7,500 awards are given to faculty and instructional academic staff members at UW System institutions in recognition of outstanding career achievement in teaching.

One $7,500 award is given to an academic department, program or other academic unit which demonstrates exceptional commitment to, and effectiveness, in teaching and learning.

Selection criteria, required documentation, and timeline is available on the UW System Board of Regents Awards website.

Nominations are usually due in November or December.

Individual: UW System teaching faculty and instructional academic staff (minimum of ten years teaching experience in the UW System).

Department/Program: UW System academic department, program, and other academic units.


Two $7,500 awards are given to university staff members at UW System institutions in recognition of their exceptional service to the university.

One $7,500 award is given to a program in recognition of the important role played by university staff in supporting the UW System mission, priorities, or programs.

Selection criteria, required documentation, and timeline is available on the UW System Board of Regents Awards website.

Nominations are usually due in May.

Individual: A UW System university staff member. The nominee should provide essential services to the university while demonstrating excellence of performance, personal interaction, initiative or creativity, and outstanding achievement. They should have a permanent appointment, be employed 50% or more time, and have been a university staff employee at their institution for a minimum of twelve months.

UW-Stevens Point nominee: The winner of the previous year’s Sargis Award will be forwarded as the campus’s nominee for the individual Regents University Staff Excellence Award. If that person is not eligible, the previous year’s University Service Award recipient will be nominated. If that person is not eligible, the USAPS will select from among the previous year’s Outstanding Work Performance Award recipients.

Program: A UW System program primarily staffed by university staff. The program should provide essential services to the university while demonstrating excellence of performance, initiative or creativity, and outstanding achievement.