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Navigated to 3.5: Recruitment Committees and Selection Processes.



(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes page).



For Dean positions and above, when a vacancy occurs, or will occur, it is the responsibility of the hiring authority to inform the chairperson of the Common Council and SGA to initiate their appointments to the recruitment committee (refer to the table below). For positions below the Dean level, the hiring authority shall establish the committee according to Human Resources guidelines.


No member of the recruitment committee may be an applicant for the position. For FAASLI positions, the immediate supervisor may not be a member of the committee.

Committee Diversification and Regulatory Compliance

The committee and hiring authority shall consult with Human Resources to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and UW System policies and regulations, the diversification of the committee, and searches are conducted fairly and without bias.


The committee shall elect its own chairperson.

Recruitment Committee Composition:

appointing authority

chairperson of common council in consultation with executive committee

student government association


hiring authority

total #


Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

1 faculty member from each, COFAC, COLS, CPS, and CNR, and one faculty or academic staff member from University College

1 academic staff member from the Division of Academic Affairs

1 university staff member from the Division of Academic Affairs

up to 2 students

up to 3 additional members

1 dean


Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration or Student Affairs

3 faculty or academic staff members, with preference given to academic staff

1 university staff member from the Division of Academic Affairs

up to 2 students

1 dean

4 additional members, of whom at least 3 shall be from the personnel of the affected division


Vice Chancellor for University Advancement

2 faculty or academic staff members

1 university staff member, preferable from personnel of the Office for University Advancement

up to 2 students

1 dean

1 member of the UWSP Alumni Association

1 member of UWSP Foundation, Inc.

up to 5 additional members


Associate/Assistant Vice Chancellor in Academic Affairs

1 faculty member from each, COFAC, COLS, CPS, and CNR, and 1 faculty or academic staff member from University College

1 academic staff member from the Division of Academic Affairs

1 university staff member from the Division of Academic Affairs

up to 2 students

1 dean

1 additional member


Dean of Students/Assistant Vice Chancellor in Student Affairs

2 faculty or academic staff members with preference given to academic staff

1 university staff member

up to 3 students

1 dean, preferably Dean of University College

up to 3 additional members from the Division of Student Affairs

up to 10

Associate/Assistant Vice Chancellor in Finance and Administration or University Advancement

2 faculty or academic staff members, with preference given to academic staff

1 university staff member

up to 4 additional members, preferable from the affected division; students may be included as appropriate

up to 7


At least 1 faculty member

At least 1 academic staff member

At least 1 university staff member

up to 2 students

Individuals shall be solicited to form a volunteer pool from which the hiring authority shall appoint a minimum of 5 individuals to the committee. No more than 2 committee members may hail from the same department or discipline within the college.

Outside colleges may appoint up to 1 individual each

at least 8


The committee and hiring authority shall conduct selection within the guidelines set forth by University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Human Resources. The committee selection process will follow procedures to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and UW System policies and regulations. If an individual participating on a recruitment committee feels unfairly excluded from a recruitment committee during the recruitment, they should contact Human Resources right away. Encouraging qualified candidates to apply will not be curtailed, however, it must only be done without any promises or guarantees of employment.