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Navigated to 6.3: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Hall of Fame.



(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes page).

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes page).

This award recognizes individuals who have had a long-term affiliation with the university and made an exceptional contribution to the well-being of the institution or, in the case of alumni, a significant contribution to society or their professions. Nominees may include former or retired UWSP faculty or staff, alumni, and individuals who were not employed by the university. In all cases, achievements upon which a nomination is based must be significantly greater than those required by the conditions of employment, expected of distinguished alumni, or accepted as contributing to the university, community or society. As many as two people may be inducted into the UWSP Hall of Fame annually. A photo gallery of award winners will be established in an appropriate location on campus.


To insulate the Hall of Fame procedure from partisanship, protect the award from possible conflicts of interest, and protect nominees from possibly compromising positions, the following three categories of individuals are ineligible for consideration until five (5) years after vacating office or terminating employment*:

A. Public officials and political appointees, including serving members of the Wisconsin Legislature and the Wisconsin congressional delegation: elected and appointed officials: and all members of the state judiciary:

B. Serving members of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents: and

C. Currently employed faculty or staff members at any UW System campus or in UW System administration.


1. Initial nomination may be made by current or emeriti UWSP faculty or staff members, administrators or alumni. The initial nomination should be sent to the Office of the Chancellor. The nomination materials should include the following:

a. Description of nominee’s outstanding contributions:

b. Letters of support from three (3) individuals who can affirm nominee’s contributions and

c. Recommendation of the UWSP Alumni Board Executive Committee (if nominee is an alumnus of UWSP).

2. The chancellor shall seek an initial review and recommendation from the appropriate dean and/or vice chancellor.

3. The chancellor shall forward the recommendation of the dean and/or vice chancellor to the Hall of Fame Committee.

4. The Hall of Fame committee will review the nomination and send their recommendation to the chancellor. The review will be conducted in closed session in order to maintain the confidentiality stipulated by the following requirement.

5. All activities related to the nomination of candidates, review of documentation supporting each nominee, and recommendations made by the Hall of Fame committee shall be conducted with the confidentiality appropriate to personnel actions.

6. The chancellor has final approval of the nomination.


This committee will be constituted by the Office of the Chancellor when needed, and shall include the following members:

1. A vice chancellor appointed by the chancellor from a division with which the nominee was not affiliated.

2. Three (3) representatives from the Common Council, two of whom must be faculty members, selected according to their nomination procedures,

3. A representative from the Academic Staff Council selected according to their nomination procedures.

4. A representative from the University Staff Council selected according to their nomination procedures.

5. A representative from the Student Government Association:

6. The committee shall elect its own chair.

*Under extraordinary circumstances, the Hall of Fame Committee may waive the five-year requirement.