Section 21: Performance Management
(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes page).
UW-Stevens Point
UW System Administrative Policy 1254 (formerly UPS Operational Policy HR 5): Performance Management
SUBJECT: Employee Performance Management
Original Issue Date: 03/16/2018
Last Revision Date: 10/5/2022
1. Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the process fostering continued performance improvement and development of university employees. A performance management program provides employees with clear objectives, ongoing and valuable feedback, professional development, and recognition for work well done, which improves the institution.
Standardized performance management systems for performance and merit based compensation changes will be in alignment with this policy.
This policy applies to full- or part-time non-instructional Academic Staff (Categories A and C) and University Staff (including temporary employees), Limited Appointees, and Faculty members who supervise non-faculty individuals. This policy does not govern the evaluation of Faculty, Academic Staff B, or student employees.
Although this policy does not provide requirements for all employee categories, these guidelines are best practices and are therefore encouraged for every employee, regardless of category.
Regent Policy Document 20-20 adopted September 6, 2013, and Wisconsin Statute Chapter 36.09 (4m) provide university and academic staff the primary responsibility for formulations and review, representation in the development of all policies and procedures concerning university and academic staff members, including university and academic staff personnel matters.
Wis. Stat. § 230.37 and Wis. Admin. Code§ ER 45.03 require performance evaluations for university staff.
UWSP Chapter 4B.5: Interpretations, Guidelines, and Implementation Procedures for Personnel Rules and Policies: Academic Staff Appointment provided foundational evaluation policy and procedures. This policy supersedes the Evaluation of Category A and C Academic Staff section.
Effective July 1, 2015, UW System Administrative Policy 1254 (formerly UW System UPS Operational Policy HR 5): Performance Management provides a foundational framework for the performance management program for all UW System employees.
3. Definitions
General Performance Management Terms:
Coaching: The process in which an individual provides guidance to an employee for the purposes of professional development.
Competencies: The skills, knowledge, and experience needed to excel in the position.
Development: Growth and improvement.
Improvement: The act or process of making something better; enhancing value or excellence.
Policy Terms:
Ongoing appointment: An appointment at UW-Stevens Point for an annual or academic year term, or a temporary or project appointment [regardless of appointment length] may be renewed.
Performance review: A formal process of identifying, measuring, and developing job-related employee performance.
Performance management: A continual process of establishing employee expectations, ongoing coaching and feedback, and measuring outcomes in the formal performance review of employees.
Performance management model: A tool used by the institution to evaluate and document past performance, future goals/objectives, and projected improvements.
Performance management program: A program to create and support the performance management process.
4. Policy
All UW-Stevens Point employees, other than employees-in-training and student hourly employees will participate in the performance management process. This policy provides the framework for the process that will foster continued improvement in the work performance of UW-Stevens Point employees and serve as a component in the determination of merit-based salary adjustments and career progressions (promotion/rank/reclassification) for eligible employees.
The UW-Stevens Point performance management program will ensure:
• All supervisors are adequately trained to evaluate performance and are held accountable for providing performance evaluations;
• Individuals holding an ongoing appointment (reference this policy’s definition) shall receive a formal annual performance review;
• Employees are provided clear expectations for the work they perform;
• Employees receive ongoing information about how effectively they are meeting expectations;
• Merit increases are consistent with employee performance;
• Opportunities for employee development are identified and provided;
• Employee performance which does not meet expectations is addressed;
• Management evaluates employees in a fair and consistent manner.
5. Foundational Program Requirements:
A. Foundational Performance Management Program
• Each individual’s performance management program, performance, and review is based on criteria and standards that reflect the unique requirements of each position;
o As appropriate, this includes service and professional development
• Performance management model(s) will have a numeric rating scale and if more than one model is available, the number rating scales will be the same for all models.
• Individuals who supervise (oversees work, has hiring/promoting/firing authority, etc.) non-instructional staff will have leadership and management competencies and/or goals within their performance management plan and will be reviewed on such performance.
• Supplemental feedback (feedback from peers, customers, students, partners, etc.) may be gathered to support the performance and development of a staff member.
o A supplemental review survey may be done at the discretion of the employee, supervisor, or Human Resources. When supplemental review survey is chosen to be completed, it should be completed prior to the formal annual review, discussed during the performance review conversation, and submitted with the annual performance review materials.
B. Foundational Employee Responsibilities
Following the current University performance management program:
• Clearly communicate to your direct supervisor about how you would like to develop and/or improve;
• Understand the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to excel in your current position and aspired position(s) (career planning), as appropriate;
• Receive feedback and take the initiative to optimize your performance;
• Seek learning opportunities and experiences aligning with departmental/institutional needs and career growth plans;
• Contact HR for development and career planning, as needed.
C. Foundational Supervisor Responsibilities
Following the current University performance management program:
• Understand the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to excel in each of your department’s positions;
• Work collaboratively with employees to provide and ensure objectives, expectations, and goals are clear and understood;
• Provide feedback (both positive and constructive) in a timely, respectful manner;
• Become a coach to your employees to help them realize their full potential;
• Identify development needs and provide support and resources for growth;
• Ensure completion and submission of all direct reports’ performance reviews to the appropriate administrative office for employees’ personnel files in accordance with this policy and the associated performance management program;
• Contact HR for guidance, coaching, and training to increase your management/leadership skills, knowledge, and abilities.
D. HR Responsibilities
• Create and support all aspects of the performance management program to ensure it aligns with the University’s mission, vision, and long-term strategic goals;
• Provide performance management training and guidance for all employees;
• Collaborate and inform appropriate governance groups when significant procedural or policy changes are proposed
This policy will be reviewed by a joint Ad Hoc Committee consisting of University Staff and Academic Staff Council in collaboration with HR on a regular basis, at a minimum of every 4 years and recommend modifications as needed. HR will continually accept feedback for the performance management program and update as appropriate to ensure its effectiveness.
E. Performance Management Disputes
• Employees have the right to respond to their supervisor’s performance evaluation in writing. The response will be included in the employee’s personnel folder. Disagreements about an employee’s performance management plan should be discussed with the employee’s direct supervisor. If resolution between the employee and supervisor cannot be reached, the employee can contact HR for guidance.
• Disagreements about a performance management program, including the degree of formality or informality in which a program may be applied, are not subject to the Grievance Procedure. Any such disagreements should be addressed in consultation between the employee, the employee’s direct supervisor, and HR.
• This policy does not impact or alter already existing grievance policy or procedures.
o For grievance guidance, contact HR or the appropriate shared governance committee(s).
F. Relationship Between Performance Management and Salary Increases
The result of the performance evaluation is a critical component in determining salary increases both as part of and outside the UW System pay plan. For more information, see UW System Policy 1277: Compensation; UW System Administrative Procedure 1277.B: Compensation: Merit Pay; and UW System Administrative Policy 1278: UW System Pay Plan Distribution Framework for University Workforce.
6. Related Documents
UW-Stevens Point Mission Statement
Wisconsin Statute Chapter 36.09 (4m)
7. Policy History
06/01/2020: Renamed policy and updated links to align with UW System updates. Effective date: 10/5/2022. Policy updated to the supplemental feedback information based on updated processes and section F to align with UWS policies.