(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes page).
Security cameras may be installed in situations and places where the security of either equipment or people would be enhanced. Cameras will be limited to uses that do not violate the reasonable expectation of privacy as defined by law. When appropriate, the cameras may be placed campus-wide, inside and outside buildings. Although the physical cameras may be identical, the functions of these cameras fall into three main categories:
a. Anti-theft and Vandalism: where the main intent is to take pictures and store them on a remote device so that if an item is discovered stolen or vandalized, the pictures will show the perpetrator. Examples: an unstaffed computer lab, an unstaffed science lab, or a parking lot.
b. Personal Security: where the main intent is to take pictures and store them on a remote device so that if a person is assaulted, the picture will show the perpetrator. These cameras may also be monitored live by someone from Police and Security Services. Examples: a major hallway, or a parking lot.
c. Extended Responsibility: where the main intent is to have the video in one room monitored by a staff member in a different room who is responsible for people and equipment in both rooms. In this case, pictures may or may not be stored. Example: a computer lab with multiple rooms and only one staff.
This policy does not apply to cameras used for instructional purposes. Further, cameras being used for research would be governed by other policies involving human subjects and are therefore excluded from this policy.
Requests for installation of security cameras should be made to and approved by the Security Camera Officer (a position appointed by and responsible to the Provost). Information obtained from the cameras would be used exclusively for law and/or policy enforcement.
All camera installations are subject to federal and state laws.
The places where these cameras may be installed may be restricted access sites such as a departmental computer lab; however, they are not places where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. Cameras will be located so that personal privacy is maximized. No audio should be recorded.
Unless the camera is being used for criminal surveillance, or in extraordinary circumstances, the following places should not be monitored by security cameras
a. Bathrooms
b. Locker rooms
c. Offices
d. Residence Hall rooms
e. Classrooms not used a lab
For Anti-theft/Vandalism and Personal Security cameras, access to live or archived images from cameras should be limited to the Director of Police and Security Services, his/her designee and/or the Security Camera Officer. If images are retained, the images should be retained for a period of at least one week and no longer than 28 days, unless it is part of an investigation. Information that directly affects an investigation will be kept for at least one year (or for a period of time determined by the investigating agency.) Anti-theft/Vandalism cameras requested in locations that may not be utilized for extended periods (such as a storage room during summer break) may have images retained for a period longer than 28 days as determined appropriate by the Security Camera Officer.
When an incident has been reported or is suspected to have occurred, personnel responsible for the area in question may request that the Director of Police and Security Services or his/her designee review the images from the camera. As circumstances require, the Provost or the Security Camera Officer may authorize others to review images. A record log will be kept of all instances of access to, and use of, recorded material.
The Security Camera Officer will give a semi-annual report to the University Affairs Committee.
Units requesting security cameras will be required to follow the procedures outlined in this policy. Concerns or questions should be directed to the Security Camera Officer. The Security Camera Officer’s job description needs to clearly outline his/her responsibilities, and his/her performance in these areas will be evaluated by the Provost on an annual basis. Breaches of this policy can result in disciplinary action.
Unless the camera is being used for criminal surveillance, areas being monitored should have at least two signs indicating that security camera monitoring may be taking place. The wording on the signs should not create a false sense of security to lead someone to believe that the cameras were being monitored live when in fact they were not. These signs should be at the entrance to the areas being monitored. Recommended wording for the signage is included below:
Video surveillance in use in public areas on these premises
(UWSP Police and Security Services)
Statement of Principles, Summary of General Institutional Policies and Applicability
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is guided by the ethical principles set forth in the report of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research entitled “Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research,” also known as “The Belmont Report.”
The University is committed to compliance with federal rules for the protection of human research subjects. In general, the requirements set forth in Title 45, Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR Part 46), known as the “Common Rule,” are followed by UW-Stevens Point regardless of the source of project funding. This commitment is in compliance with the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP, formerly OPRR) now under the direction of the Office of the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services. This commitment requires UW-Stevens Point to comply with the comprehensive regulations published in the Common Rule which require that all research projects involving human subjects be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also protects human research subjects through its investigational drug and device regulations.
Research is defined as a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. Activities which meet this definition constitute research whether or not they are conducted or supported under a program which is considered research for other purposes. For example, some demonstration and service programs may include research activities.
The regulatory requirements are applicable to all University authorized activities which in whole or in part involve research with human subjects if one or more of the following apply:
• The research is sponsored by this University.
• The research is conducted by or under the direction of any employee or agent of the University in connection with his or her institutional responsibilities.
• The research is conducted by or under the direction of any employee or agent of this University using any property or facility of this University.
• The research involves the use of the University’s non-public information to identify or contact human research subjects or prospective subjects.
In accordance with federal regulations, all research involving human subjects must be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB).
The IRB has the authority to review, approve, disapprove, or require changes for approval in research activities involving human subjects. IRB members come from a variety of disciplines, including at least one member who is not affiliated with the university.
The IRB requires completion of a research protocol form. The form contains explanatory information about the specific requirements. IRB approval is required for all research involving human subjects. In addition, the IRB requires that everyone dealing with subjects must receive training in research ethics. This requirement can be met by completing the Human Subjects Protection Training.
If the protocol is for a sponsored project, IRB approval must be provided to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs before an account can be established by the university. Protocols may be submitted as part of an application for external funding, which may require IRB approval at the time of submission of the grant proposal. Approval must be indicated on the UW Transmittal Form.
If a project does not initially include human subjects, but human subject participation is needed at later time, the PI must submit a protocol and obtain IRB approval prior to initiating the research activities involving human subjects. For such projects that have extramural support, the office of Academic Programs and Grant Support must be notified of IRB approval. The office of Academic Programs and Grant Support will notify the sponsor of the IRB’s approval and human subject participation will not be permitted until this certification of IRB review and approval is received by the sponsor.
Usually, IRB approval is granted for a period of one year. For projects of longer duration, the PI must submit a renewal application. Each IRB conducts continuing review of all research involving human subjects at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk, but not less than once per year, depending on the nature of the research and the risks to human subjects. In accordance with federal regulations, the IRB has the authority to suspend or terminate approval of research that is not being conducted in accordance with the IRB’s decisions, conditions, and requirements, or that has been associated with unexpected serious harm to subjects.
Changes in research protocols, which may alter the risks to the research subjects and occur during the period for which IRB approval has already been given, must not be initiated by the PI until the proposed changes are approved by the IRB. An exception is made for changes necessary to eliminate apparent immediate hazards to the subjects.
Human research involves risks that may be social, psychological, financial, or physical. Others, in addition to the research subject, also may be at risk, including persons discussed in the study, the investigator, society at large, and UW-Stevens Point. The IRB does not expect research to be free from risk, but does expect the investigator to be aware of the risks, to minimize risk when possible, and to take appropriate precautions whenever necessary.
Normally the UW system does not assert property interest in materials developed from the author’s pursuit of traditional teaching, research and scholarly activities. Normally rights to control access and use of these materials, including instructional materials, belong solely to the author as stipulated in Financial Administration documents G27 “Copyrightable Instructions Material Ownership, Use and Control.” (
The World Wide Web (Web) is a major, if not a primary, source of information for many people. Acknowledging that the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (University) is engaged in web development and publishing for all its constituencies, this policy establishes minimum standards for web accessibility.
Information made available electronically can be structured so that all individuals, regardless of disability, can access it via desktop or mobile web browsers, text-to-speech applications, mobile applications and a host of other technologies. Accessible design practices can ensure University documents are readable by all who need them. The University, along with UW System, endorses the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Version 2.0, of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as the standard for Web accessibility and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. W3C is composed of over 400-member organization worldwide developing common protocols to promote the evolution of the Web and ensure its interoperability. As part of its work, the W3C has developed accessibility guidelines for the web. The standards of the Federal Rehabilitation Act Section 508 (Section 508) are consistent with the W3C Guidelines and provide achievable, well documented guidelines for implementation.
1. All new or revised web pages and other web resources published, hosted or otherwise provided by the University must be in compliance with the web standards defined in the most recent version of Section 508. Additionally, it is strongly suggested that University web pages and resources strive to comply with the WCAG 2.0 AA standards for accessibility, or future versions that may replace those as web technology advances.
a. Upon specific request, information on legacy web pages and resources, as well as those in archive status (e.g. no longer in use but subject to records retention plans) containing core administrative or academic information, official records, and similar information, are to be made accessible to any individual needing access to such content, by revision or otherwise. Legacy web pages and resources will be considered those that are published prior to September 1, 2015. The unit responsible for the information is responsible for providing that access as soon as possible.
b. What constitutes a web page or other web resource is to be interpreted broadly. It does not depend upon the type of client or host device, the type of software on the client or host devices, or the technical means by which the client and host communicate over the Web.
2. Web pages or resources specifically requested to be made accessible as part of a formal accommodation request shall be made accessible as soon as possible, or an equally effective alternative shall be provided. “Equally effective” means that it communicates the same information and provides, if possible, the equivalent functions in as timely a fashion as does the web page or resource.
3. Campus developers shall implement accessible design practices when creating web applications. For web applications procured via a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) process, accessibility must be included among the preferred product features. For all Web applications, accessibility must be considered during the selection process. Vendors whose products are under consideration will be asked to provide Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs). If a web application is not available in an accessible format, or if its purchase would constitute an undue burden, the reason for selecting an inaccessible product must be documented. For products procured through a RFP process, the selection of inaccessible products requires the approval of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in consultation with the Disability and Assistive Technology Center (DATC) and/or the Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning (CITL).
4. All web pages or resources created or maintained by the University must contain a link to a contact where users having trouble accessing content can seek help. This would usually be the web developer or publisher. The addition of a link or contact person is not sufficient, in and of itself, to comply with the Information and Communication Technology Accessibility Policy.
The CIO in consultation with the DATC and the CITL will oversee implementation, training, education, technical support, and the monitoring of compliance according to the standards and recommendations set forth in this policy.
Although the DATC is not responsible for the enforcement, training or production of electronic accessible resources, the DATC will maintain a contact list of staff capable and willing to assist in the development of accessible materials so that developers may contact the DATC for referral information. The CITL will be responsible for the oversight of online accessibility of course and instructional material development.
Each UWSP unit with a presence on the University Web, such as a department, division, organization, or program must be in compliance with accessibility standards according to the timelines established in this policy. Each unit is also responsible for insuring that adequate staff and financial resources are allocated to enable such compliance. Site authors are ultimately responsible for ensuring that their web content is current, correct, functional, and standards-compliant.
This policy and its implementation will be reviewed beginning no later than September 30, 2020 and should be reviewed every 3 years thereafter. A committee shall be composed of no less than 6 members drawn from: the Information Technology Council, the faculty, The DATC, Continuing Education and Outreach, University Communications and Marketing, the CITL, the office of the University ADA Coordinator, Information Technology, and a student - preferably a person with a disability who is affected by this policy. The Information Technology Council shall be responsible for forming the review committee. The review shall be a public process, open to comments and suggestions from other persons or units on campus.
• Section 508 Checklist (WebAIM):
• WIA/W3G Web Content Accessibility Guidelines:
• WIA/W3G Guidance on Applying WCAG 2.0 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT):
Please direct questions about this policy to
Below are the implementation procedures for Information and Communication Technology Accessibility Policy. These procedures implement the UW-Stevens Point Information Accessibility Policy. The rationale is discussed in the background section of the policy.
1. Recommended Assessment Procedures
It is recommended that a variety of evaluation methods be used to test the accessibility of web pages and resources, including automated testing, client and/or device testing, expert evaluation, and user testing.
2. Exception Procedure
Narrowly tailored exceptions to this policy may be granted by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in consultation with the Disability and Assistive Technology Center (DATC) and/or the Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning (CITL) in specific instances where compliance is not possible or would constitute an undue administrative or financial burden. To request an exception send an email to
3. Training, Consulting, and Technological Tools
Information about training, consulting, and technological tools can be found at the University Accessibility Resources page, as well as definitions and resources related to Section 508 and W3C.
All retired staff/faculty/emeritus faculty will be expected to adhere to the UW - Stevens Point Acceptable Use Policy, Email Policy, and UWS 18. Failure to abide by these requirements may result in action up to and including discontinuance of account access. Personnel who resign their position and do not retire from the University lose access to all University data systems on their last day of employment.
The University does not provide hardware repair for devices or support for software owned by employees or retirees. The Information Technology Department will provide limited support if the problem the retiree is experiencing is related to a UWSP service that they do have access to.
Information Technology will not purchase items on behalf of former employees or retirees. University departments may not purchase devices or software for a retired faculty/staff member.
Retirees and those resigning need to return University- and grant-owned equipment to the Information Technology department. The Information Technology department will return the equipment to the home department that purchased the device after it has been wiped and reconfigured for another user.
Upon retirement from a university position the following will apply with regards to access to University information technology systems:
Retired Faculty/Staff Member
• Will be granted a University retired/alumni email account.
• Files and email left behind by departing personnel will be transferred to a virtual drive exclusive to the department.
• The retiree will receive this new account prior to their official retirement date so that key research data can be transferred from active employee account to new email account. IT or the University department the employee worked in retains the right to review the data transferred between accounts.
• Student data deemed private and protected by federal and state legislation may not be transferred to a retiree’s account. The Information Technology department will scan Office 365 data storage and transfers for any private student data, and such data will be removed or prevented from transfer.
• Access to all University computer systems and the University network via the network login credentials will be discontinued. Public access will remain.
Emeritus Faculty
• Obtains all of the same email and file storage privileges that retirees receive.
• May have access to an office within a college or department where a PC is provided. The PC may or may not be specific to an emeritus faculty member.
• Membership on any distribution lists needs to be approved by the user’s department in an email to the mail administrator in IT. Access will be reviewed annually and an updated memo will be requested to continue access.
• Volunteer work requiring IT access needs to be requested by the department in a memo outlining specific data systems to be accessed. IT will request an annual written update for continued access.
Retirees Returning to Active Employment Status
• Must be rehired through Human Resources and have an active appointment.
• Access will be provided to University IT systems that are necessary for the terms of employment.
• Access is withdrawn once employment is complete and returned to the previous retiree access level.
• Active employee gets access to WISC software discounts.
Upon resignation or termination of employment the following will apply with regards to access to University information technology systems:
• University email, network, and systems accounts are inactivated based on last date of employment provided to Information Technology by the Human Resources Department.
• The user account will be archived and retained in accordance with University email retention policy. Data will be inaccessible to any former employees.
• All equipment issued to a user will be surrendered to the Information Technology Department and reassigned to the appropriate home department.
Safety Issues Related to Hover Boards on Campus
No person shall operate an unauthorized motor vehicle or motorized device, including but not limited to motorcycles, mopeds, motor scooters, and self-balancing transportation devices, off designated roadways, paved or unpaved, or on service roads or pedestrian paths, regardless of the surface, on university lands. This subsection does not apply to motorized wheelchairs or other mobility devices which have the primary design function of assisting the physically challenged.
Children of Employees in the Workplace
UW-Stevens Point
Practice Directive GEN H (formerly UPS Operational Policy - GEN 19)
SUBJECT: Children of Employees in the Workplace
Original Issuance Date: December 8, 2015
Last Revision Date:
1. Policy Purpose
Maintaining the safety and health of University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point employees, students, guests and visitors relies upon the control of hazardous conditions and prevention of unsafe behaviors. When the visitors are children, diligence to guard against unsafe conditions and unpredictable behaviors must be heightened.
The workplace is typically not an appropriate place for children of employees. However, the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point recognizes that employees may occasionally want to bring children to the workplace for brief visits, specific campus events, situational convenience, or family emergencies.
All requirements of the UWSA Minor Protection and Adult Leadership Policy shall be followed in addition to this policy.
2. Policy Background
All institutions within the UW System are responsible for creating a policy for Children of Employees in the Workplace. A policy template was created by the Office of General Counsel in response to institution inquires and the recommendations included in the Office of Operations Review and Audit’s Review of Policies Related to the Reporting of Crimes Against Children.
3. Policy Definitions
Child or children: a person or persons less than 18 years of age, and not enrolled or admitted for enrollment in classes at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Employee: any employee who has responsibility for a child, as defined above, while in the workplace regardless of the employee’s relationship to the child.
High risk area: includes any area deemed high risk by the campus risk manager, or any area with: hazardous levels of radiation; hazardous chemicals or substances; hazardous biological agents or vectors; or, hazardous equipment or processes. Examples of areas with these characteristics include:
• laboratories (excluding those designed for
• research subjects who are minors);
• machine shops, woodworking shops, or
• similar workshop areas;
• mechanical rooms;
• chemical and hazardous material or waste
• storage areas;
• construction areas;
• maintenance garages and shops;
• custodial storage areas;
• animal care, housing or animal
• research facilities;
• food preparation areas;
• fitness and strength centers;
• loading docks and warehouses;
• recycling centers;
• art studios and shops;
• steam plants;
• high security areas; and
• areas that are excluded for general
• employee or student access;
• other areas as determined by UWSP.
Management: includes supervisors, managers, department chairs, deans, directors, provosts, and chancellors.
4. Exclusions
Except as provided elsewhere in this policy, or other university policies, laws and regulations that limit access to or otherwise regulate high-risk areas, this policy does not apply when a child:
• is enrolled or admitted as a university student
• is employed by the university
• is attending a university-sanctioned childcare facility
• is attending a university-sanctioned camp, child care program, or youth enrichment program; or
• has a parent with a workplace assignment in which one of the conditions of the employment is residency in a campus facility, e.g., live-in resident hall director.
5. Policy
This policy addresses the factors to consider when allowing an employee to bring a child into the workplace. Rare circumstances in which employees want or need to bring children into the workplace generally fall into the following acceptable categories:
• Brief visits (e.g., an employee brings his/her child, grandchild or other minor relative in to introduce that child to co-workers). However, the workplace shall not serve as a place of childcare (other than those areas designated and licensed for childcare).
• Specific campus events that are employer-sanctioned and at which attendance by children is encouraged (e.g. Take Your Child to Work Day).
• Situational convenience.
• In the event of an emergency.
A. Abuse of the Policy
Children are brought to the workplace on a regular basis in lieu of childcare.
B. High risk areas
Children are not allowed in high risk areas, as defined in this policy, unless an exception has been agreed to by management of the area and the institutional risk or safety officer. Even children excluded from this policy, as stated above, are not allowed in high-risk areas, unless an exception exists.
C. Responsibilities
Generally, an employee who brings a child into the workplace shall not leave the child unsupervised. Employees are responsible for verifying with their manager the circumstances under which children are allowed in their specific workplace. If management allows the occasional workplace visit of children to the workplace, both the employee responsible for the child and workplace management must accept certain responsibilities (listed below) to protect the welfare of the child and the integrity of the workplace.
An employee who brings a child to the workplace must:
• be the individual who primarily supervises and cares for the child at all times while in the workplace;
• prevent any breach of confidential information;
• address with management any issues related to a child’s infectious disease; and
• accept full responsibility for all aspects of the child’s behavior, including: safety of the child, disruption to co-workers, unauthorized or inappropriate use of university resources, and any damage to property or injury to persons.
Management must:
• determine that either hazards are not likely to exist, or that hazards can be controlled under the circumstances in which the child will be present;
• address potential issues of possible disruption to co-workers in the workplace;
• consider the extent to which the child’s presence in the workplace poses a risk of breaching confidentiality of information in the workplace;
• consider the extent to which the child’s presence is appropriate to the specific work being accomplished.
• consider the health of co-workers before an employee is allowed to bring a child with an infectious disease to the workplace.
D. Denial of permission
Notwithstanding the exceptions provided by this policy, management has the authority to deny the presence of children in the workplace. Management may revoke previously granted permission for the employee to bring the child to the workplace (e.g., the child’s presence is later determined to be disruptive to the workplace).
E. Violations
Any employee who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
F. Reporting
Faculty and staff members are encouraged to speak first with their direct supervisor, department chair, or department head about questions or concerns. If an individual is not comfortable speaking with one or more of those individuals, or they have already done so and the question or concern has not been addressed, they should contact Human Resources and Affirmative Action at 715-346-2606.
6. Related Documents
• Executive Order #54: Mandated Reporting for Child Abuse and Neglect
• UPS Children of Employees in the Workplace
7. Policy History
Workplace Conduct Expectations
UW-Stevens Point
UW System Administrative Operational Policy 1292 (formerly UPS Operational Policy WE 3)
SUBJECT: Workplace Conduct Expectations
Original Issuance Date: 10/27/2016
Last Revision Date: 12/1/2019
1. Policy Purpose
This policy establishes guidelines for professional conduct by those acting on behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point including executive officers, faculty, staff, other individuals employed by the University using University resources or facilities, and volunteers and representatives acting as agents of the University. Within this policy these groups will be referred to as University Community.
It is the intention of this policy that nothing herein is intended to interfere with applicable laws, policies or regulations that cover or inform personal and professional conduct at the University. This policy is not meant to and shall not interfere with academic freedom. This policy should be interpreted as being in concert with rather than in conflict with other policies, laws, and regulations.
This policy does not cover all situations that an employee might encounter in the workplace or classroom. In addition to consulting this policy, employees should refer to the specific policies, procedures, and guidelines that cover the institution.
2. Background
Wis. Stat. § 36.115 requires the Board of Regents to develop a personnel system that is separate and distinct from the personnel system under Wis. Stat. Chapter 230. The “classified employee work rules,” which prior to July 1, 2015 were applicable to classified UW System employees covered by Chapter 230, no longer apply. This operational policy provides workplace conduct expectations for all members of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Community.
3. Policy Definitions
Faculty and Staff (may also be referred to as Employees): Includes all employee categories, emeritus faculty, and visiting faculty.
Volunteer: An individual speaking or acting on behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, not being paid, and is not a student of the University.
4. Policy
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP) promotes a working, learning, and social environment where all members of the UWSP Community work together in a mutually respectful, psychologically-healthy environment. UWSP strives to foster an environment that reflects courtesy, civility, and respectful communication because such an environment promotes learning, research, and productivity through relationships.
A. UWSP Values:
In addition to our primary value of education, we also value:
• Community engagement
• Critical thinking
• Diversity and inclusivity
• Lifelong learning
• Professional preparation
• Research, scholarly and creative activity
• Student-centered environment
• Sustainable management of natural resources and other resources
B. Cornerstones of a Respectful Campus
The commitment to a respectful campus calls for promotion of an environment where the following are upheld:
All individuals have important contributions to make toward the overall success of the University’s mission.
• UWSP’s mission is best carried out in an atmosphere where individuals at all levels and in all units value each other and treat each other with respect;
• Individuals in positions of authority serve as role models in the promotion of a respectful campus. Promoting courtesy, civility, and respectful communication is consistent with the responsibility of leadership;
• Individuals at all levels are allowed to discuss issues of concern in an open and honest manner, without fear of reprisal or retaliation from individuals above or below them in the University’s hierarchy. At the same time, the right to address issues of concern does not grant individuals license to make untrue allegations, unduly inflammatory statements or unduly personal attacks, or to harass others, to violate confidentiality requirements, or engage in other conduct that violates the law or University policy.
Behavior expectations:
Described below are behavior expectations for conduct of UWSP Community. These expectations include and add to the expectations from UW System. These expectations do not preclude a department, or a work unit from establishing additional rules that are necessary for the effective operation of that institution, department, or work unit.
i. Be Fair and Respectful to Others - Be courteous and respectful in interactions with students, other employees, members of the general public or any other individual when acting on behalf of the University.
• Respect the rights of others to be free of bullying, harassment, illegal discriminations, threats, violence, intentional physical harm or intimidation in the workplace, and intentional or personally-directed abusive language in the workplace;
• Provide equal access to programs, facilities, and employment;
• Treat others with fairness and impartiality;
• Promote conflict resolution;
• Respect others’ personal property.
o Borrowing, taking possession, or removing property that belongs to other individuals without the owner’s permission is inappropriate.
ii. Protect and Preserve University Resources - Use University property, equipment, finances, materials, information technology, electronic and other systems and other resources for legitimate University purposes.
• Promote efficient operations and prevent waste and abuse;
• Ensure any postings or removal of postings, notices, or signs is authorized by the correct authority department;
• Use care in guarding University keys and abide by established property policies;
• Respect the use and security of University buildings and property and abide by established policies regarding access;
• Conduct personal business and solicitation (including political solicitation) unrelated to a UWSP position on personal time (not while acting on behalf of UWSP).
iii. Act Ethically and with Integrity - Act according to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct.
• Carry out assignments, instructions, duties and responsibilities as set forth in position descriptions and as directed by those with authority to assign work;
o Requests to perform an action that is unethical, illegal, or goes against an institutional policy should be reported to your department head or Human Resources;
• Be timely and meet attendance expectations; o Follow departmental notification procedures for planned and unplanned time away from work;
• Be personally accountable for individual actions;
• Fulfill obligations owed to students, clients, and colleagues;
• Create, provide, and maintain truthful, accurate, and complete information and records for the institution or to other state agencies;
o Follow all record retention requirements and regulations;
• Use and possess uniforms, identification cards, badges, and permits in accordance with institutional and system policies and all laws and regulations.
iv. Contribute to a Healthy and Safe Workplace - Promote and follow all health and safety policies. It is the responsibility of all members of the University Community to ensure a safe, secure, and healthy environment for all.
• Dangerous weapons are not allowed on UWSP property except as permitted by UWSP policies;
• Illegal drugs are not allowed on any UWSP property;
• The use of alcohol on UWSP property is limited to those areas where allowed by law;
• Any use of alcohol must be done in a lawful, responsible, and ethical manner.
v. Promote a Culture of Compliance - Commit to meeting legal requirements and foster ethical and lawful conduct.
• Learn and follow all applicable laws, regulations and UWSP and UW System policies and procedures;
• Protect the security, integrity and confidentiality of University information and records where appropriate and required by law;
• Be proactive to prevent and detect any compliance violations;
• Report suspected violations.
vi. Additional Behavioral Expectations for Individuals in a Leadership Role - Individuals who manage or supervise another individual’s work have additional responsibilities to foster and support UWSP values and expectations.
• Lead by example, by behaving legally and ethically at all times;
• Create and foster an environment free of bullying, harassment, discrimination, and retaliation;
• Know the rules that apply in the areas of our operations and anticipate questions that might arise;
• Work proactively and on an ongoing basis to ensure faculty and staff are trained and well-versed regarding the rules that apply to their jobs;
• Foster an environment where individuals are comfortable coming to you with compliance and ethical questions and concerns;
• Work collaboratively with employees to resolve concerns thoroughly, confidentially, to the best of your ability, and within the boundaries of your authority;
• Report behaviors of bullying, harassment, and discrimination to Human Resources;
• Direct employee relations matters that you are not able to resolve to Human Resources;
• Notify Human Resources of potentially significant compliance matters.
C. Reporting
Faculty and staff members are encouraged to speak first with their direct supervisor, department chair, or department head about questions or concerns. Volunteers are encouraged to report concerns to an individual employed by the University. If a faculty, staff member, or volunteer is not comfortable speaking with one or more of those individuals, or they have already done so and the question or concern has not been addressed, they should contact Human Resources at 715-346-2606. Questions about the reporting process or concerns about confidentiality should be addressed to Human Resources.
5. Campus Free of Bullying
The University is committed to providing an environment free of bullying in all of its forms to support the University’s mission, vision, and values. Bullying is unacceptable in all working, learning, and service interactions.
A. Bullying Definitions:
Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior(s) that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior(s) undermines an individual or group through persistently negative verbal or psychological abuse. The behavior(s) typically contain(s) an element of vindictiveness and is calculated to threaten, undermine, patronize, humiliate, intimidate, or demean the recipient. Bullying can adversely affect dignity, health, and productivity. Bullying may be a form of harassment and may lead to a hostile work environment.
Bullying can include, but is not limited to:
• Nonverbal Communication
o Gestures (e.g. mimicking, threatening, patronizing)
o Invading personal space after being asked to move or step away
• Verbal Communication
o Abusive language (e.g. screaming, shouting, swearing)
o Ridiculing, insulting, or teasing
o Spreading rumor or innuendo
o Trivializing of work and achievements
o Practical jokes
o Belittling or disregarding opinions or suggestions
• Manipulating the Work Environment
o Excessive and or unreasonable demands
o Sabotaging another individual’s work
o Encouraging others to “turn on” individual(s)
o Isolating or exclusion of individual(s)
o Blaming others for mistakes
o Excessive supervision (unwarranted by performance of individual)
o Making threats, either explicit or implicit to the security of a person’s job, position, or personal well-being
• Physical Actions
o Assault or threat of physical assault (e.g. pushing, shoving, kicking, poking, tripping)
o Damage to an individual’s work product, area, or property or personal property
A few other definitions to explain and identify bullying:
• Cyberbullying is the use of electronic devices to convey a message in any format (i.e. text, image, audio, video, etc.) to bully individual(s) under the perpetrator’s true or false identity;
• Mobbing is bullying behavior carried out by a group rather than by an individual;
• Anonymous bullying consists of withholding or disguising identity while treating an individual in a malicious manner, sending insulting or threatening anonymous messages, placing objectionable objects among an individual’s belongings, leaving degrading written or pictorial material about an individual where others can see.
Bullying is not about occasional differences of opinion, conflicts and problems in workplace relationships as these may be part of working life. It is not bullying behavior for a supervisor to note an employee’s poor job performance and potential consequences within the framework of University policies and procedures, or for a professor or academic program director to advise a student of unsatisfactory academic work and the potential for course failure or dismissal from the program if uncorrected.
B. Report Bullying:
• A student who believes they have been the subject of bullying, or any individual who believes a student has engaged in bullying behavior should report the behavior to the Office of the Dean of Students at 715-346-2611, or in person at Old Main, Room 212. A concern may also be reported by filling out an online report at The individual should select the reporting method they are most comfortable with and that is most appropriate to the situation. If the alleged perpetrator of the bullying behavior is faculty, staff, or a volunteer, the report will be shared with Human Resources. For more information regarding student conduct, see the Student Handbook information.
• A faculty, staff member, or volunteer who believes they have been the subject of bullying, or believes a faculty, staff member, or volunteer has engaged in bullying behavior, please reference section Reporting (4. C) within this policy.
6. Action
Violations of this policy will be investigated and handled in the same manner as the current misconduct process and may result in a variety of possible sanctions or disciplinary actions up to and including termination.
See the University Handbook Chapter 4C, the Disciplinary Policy and Procedures for University Staff (see 4E.22), and the University of WI - Stevens Point Student Handbook for specific complaint, disciplinary, or sanction procedures.
7. Related Documents
• University of WI - Stevens Point Handbook
• University of WI - Stevens Point Student Handbook
• University of WI - Stevens Point Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Violence, and Retaliation Prevention and Response Policy (see 4D.15)
• UW System Administrative Policy 1230 (formerly GEN 11): Workplace Safety
• UW System Administrative Policy 1290 (formerly UPS Operational Policy WE 1): Code of Ethics
• Practice Directive WE A (formerly WE 4): Use of Information Technology Resources
• Wis. Admin. Code Chapter UWS18, Conduct on University Lands
• Regent Policy Document 20-22, Code of Ethics
• WI Statute Dangerous Weapons Definition
• Workplace Bullying Institute
8. Policy History
12/1/2019: Updated header to align with updated UW System numbering; updated Human Resources and Affirmative Action” to Human Resources”; and updated links throughout this policy.
Inclement Weather/Emergency Conditions
UW-Stevens Point
UW System Administrative Policy 1235 (formerly UW System UPS Operational Policy - GEN 15): Inclement Weather/Emergency Conditions
SUBJECT: Inclement Weather/Emergency Conditions
Original Issue Date:
Last Revision Date: 11/01/2016
1. Policy Purpose
To establish an inclement weather/emergency conditions policy.
2. Background
Chapter 230 Wis. Stat. § 230.35(5)(c) Wisconsin Human Resources Handbook Chapter 736 of the Wisconsin Statutes contains specific information about instances in which institutions may be closed. This operational policy provides University of Wisconsin System (UWS) institutions with inclement weather and emergency conditions policies that are similar to the policies set forth in Wis. Stat. § 230.35(5)(c) and Wisconsin Human Resources Handbook Chapter 736.
The UW System Administrative Policy 1235 (formerly UPS Operational Policy GEN 15): Inclement Weather/Emergency Conditions was implemented July 1, 2015.
3. Policy
When inclement weather or emergency conditions exist, every effort will be made to keep affected UW-Stevens Point open and operating as normal. However, where the health and safety of students, employees or the public would be placed at risk, or conditions prevent the normal operation or services of UW-Stevens Point, the nature and extent of any action to be taken will be determined by the Chancellor and appropriate administrator(s).
UW-Stevens Point classes will meet as usual unless there is formal notification from the Chancellors Office. In the absence of such notice, classes are presumed to meet as scheduled. Individuals who travel to and from campus are encouraged to use their own judgment as to whether or not such travel is wise. Should it be necessary to cancel a class due to the absence of an instructor, it is the responsibility of that instructor to notify their department head and to schedule an appropriate make-up session.
A. Reporting to Work/Leave Expectations
When the institution is not closed, employees are expected to report to work unless an absence or other arrangement is approved by the employee’s supervisor. Employees are expected to notify their supervisor if they cannot report to work or will report late. Supervisors may require the employee to make up lost time if required for the operation of the work unit.
When the institution is closed, most employees will be directed to not report to work. Employees at work when the institution is closed will be given the option of remaining at work or leaving their worksite, operational needs permitting. This applies to all employees except employees whose continued presence is required.
Employees absent from work because of inclement weather or emergency conditions must use available vacation, accrued compensatory time, available holidays, or leave without pay to cover the absence, or they may arrange another work schedule with their supervisor. Supervisors may require the employee to make up lost time during the same workweek of the absence if required for the operation of the work unit. Make up or leave time should be in accordance with UW System leave policies and follow the department’s standard unplanned absence expectations (e.g. ability to make up time).
B. Preparedness
Every college and administrative department (i.e. a department that is not within a college) has a responsibility to maintain a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) to establish current methods, procedures, and protocols to continue to perform the University’s mission and their units’ essential functions with minimal interruption during inclement weather/emergency conditions.
4. Notification
In the event that the campus will close and/or classes will be canceled, the University will notify employees, students, and the public through a variety of communication methods. The primary method for notifications is through local media, the UW-Stevens Point homepage:, and UW-Stevens Point email system. Information will also be available by calling 715-346-0123.
5. Related Documents
• Wisconsin State Statute: State Employment Relations: Chapter 230
• Wisconsin Human Resources Handbook Chapter 736
6. Policy History
Original issuance date is unknown. This policy was previously included within the Classified Employee Handbook.
Use of Non-Approved Information Technology Applications and Hardware for University Business and Instruction
Applications and services, such as online tools, free or paid, that are not owned and operated by UW-Stevens Point might not meet UW-Stevens Point guidelines or requirements for privacy, intellectual property, security, and records retention. Faculty and staff using or considering the use of non UW-Stevens Point or UW System approved applications and services should first seek the approval of the service by contacting Information Technology Purchasing and IT will begin a review. In addition to state level purchasing guidelines, the following factors should be considered when selecting and utilizing applications and services.
Choosing to use Non-University Applications, Technology Tools or Services
Understand the risks to you and others
• Providers may require the user to agree to a Terms of Service agreement. This is a legal contract. Only a few UW-Stevens Point administrators are authorized to enter into legal contracts on behalf of the university. Users without that authority become personally responsible for the terms of the agreement and any problems that may arise.
• Providers may change their Terms of Service without notice. Check periodically to see if it is still acceptable.
Protect sensitive research data and other sensitive information
• Comply with research grant and other contractual and legal requirements to protect sensitive information. There may be requirements that a non UW-Stevens Point application or service cannot meet.
• Restrict access to any sensitive information, so that only those with a “need to know” can access it.
• Do not include any personally identifiable information if you can avoid it.
• Remove data when it is no longer needed.
• The use of any non-approved cloud service for use with High Risk or Moderate Risk data as defined by UW System Administrative policy is strictly prohibited.
• Faculty and staff utilizing tools external to campus-approved tools should not utilize their university password as this is high risk data. Passwords verify identity. It is imperative that users of tools keep their passwords confidential (link to acceptable use document/UWS authentication policy).
• Research of human subjects falls under the definition of High Risk data and may not be placed in non-approved University systems.
Examples of high, moderate, and low risk data
• A complete list of examples can be found at: High Risk or Moderate Risk data as defined by UW System Administrative policy.
High risk | moderate risk | low risk |
Social Security Numbers | Class grades that do not identify the student | "White Pages" directory information |
Driver's License Numbers | Unauthorized for release directory numbers | Maps, university websites or brochures intended for public use |
Financial Account Numbers | Documents or data used internally that have not been authorized for public release | Course catalogs and timetables |
Biometrical Numbers (fingerprint, iris image) | Emails or communications not authorized for public release | Student work that does not reflect a grade or student identification numbers |
Health Information | Student Campus ID number | |
Class grades that identify the student | Data Managed through IRB | |
Login info that can access any sensitive info | ||
Research data |
Protect student privacy
• Comply with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) requirements to protect student privacy.
• Restrict access to student content whenever possible, so that only those who “need to know” have access.
• Suggest students use aliases when creating accounts, particularly if student work is publicly available.
• Do not place any personally identifiable information in content. Avoid referring to students by full name.
• Limit students’ postings to course-related content.
• Obtain student written consent for continued use of student materials beyond the current class.
Communicate the use of non UW-Stevens Point applications and services to students
• Instructors should communicate their intent to use non-UW-Stevens Point applications and services, along with a summary of issues, conditions of use, and risks to students in the course syllabus. Examples of risks include data mining by the company providing the service, selling of student emails to third parties, and ownership of student data shared through the tool. Best practice allows students an ‘opt out’ provision for use of nonapproved university apps and services. An example of a statement that can be included in the syllabus is below:
o This course requires posting of work on line that is viewable only by your classmates. None of the work submitted online will be shared publicly. Some assignments require account creation for on line programs. The instructor of this course will not share your academic records (grades, student IDs). Confidentiality of student work is imperative, so you should not share the work of your peers publicly without their permission. By participating in these assignments, you are giving consent to sharing of your work with others in this class and you recognize there is a small risk of your work being shared online beyond the purposes of this course. Examples of additional risks include data mining by the company providing the service, selling of your email to third parties, and release of ownership of data shared through the tool. If you elect to not participate in these online assignments due to confidentiality concerns then an alternate assignment will be offered to you.
Understand who owns content and what they can do with it
• Placing content on a non UW-Stevens Point application or service may constitute “publication” of intellectual property, and may inhibit other publication of the work, or prevent a successful patent application.
• Review the Terms of Service agreement:
1. Who owns the intellectual property rights when content is created or uploaded to the application or service?
2. Does the provider claim any rights to use the content created or uploaded to the application or service?
3. If there is a right of use claim, when and how are these rights terminated?
Consider accessibility, support, retrieval, retention, and backup
• Ensure non UW-Stevens Point applications or services meet campus web accessibility requirements.
• Existing campus support might not resolve technical issues. Users might have to deal with the provider directly.
• Ensure that records can be retrieved from the provider. UW-Stevens Point records are subject to public records law.
• Ensure that university records are retained according to records retention schedules.
• Back up material regularly. Many providers assume no responsibility for backing up content.
Choosing to use Non-University hardware
• Employees conducting university business which involves high risk data as defined by UW System policy are required to perform that work on a University approved device or through a university secured network. Moderate or high risk data should not be stored on personally owned devices. Devices found to be in violation of this policy will be blocked from the University network. All devices and paid software to conduct University business as specified are to be purchased through IT Purchasing with University funds. This includes, but is not limited to; computers, laptops, mobile devices, tablets, phones, and printers. If you have a question, about this policy please contact IT Purchasing. Personnel who do not abide by this requirement may be asked to return the product/cancel service and may lose purchasing card privileges.
• Non-approved hardware does not possess the same warranty terms as approved University hardware and will be subject to hourly repair rates from Information Technology in the event service is required.
• Users may access university email and Office 365 services using personal devices. This provides users convenience with access to critical data services. The use of one’s own device should not be a primary method for conducting University business or in lieu of a provisioned IT device. When used on campus, personal devices will be required to connect to the University domain and have data managed through that domain. In addition, data stored on those devices is subject to any open records or legal requests made of the University and the device will need to be provided to IT security for review in the case of such a request.
• UW System Administrative Information Technology Policies
• Wisconsin Public Records Law Management
• Human Subject Research Guidelines UW - Stevens Point (see 9.5)
Grievance Procedures
UW-Stevens Point
UW-System Administrative Policy 1233 (formerly UPS Operational Policy - GEN 14)
SUBJECT: Grievance Procedures
Original Issue Date: July 1, 2015
Last Revision Date: April 20, 2017
1. Policy Purpose
To establish a grievance procedure as a problem solving mechanism for University Staff with an expectation of continued employment who wish to appeal working conditions, discipline, layoff or dismissal.
2. Background
The UW-Stevens Point grievance policy establishes a dispute resolution process for university staff. UW-Stevens Point has developed formal grievance procedures in accordance with Wis. Stat. § 36.115(4) (which requires the Board of Regents to develop personnel systems that are separate and distinct from the personnel systems under Wis. Stat. Chapter 230), and with UW System Administrative Policy 1233: Grievance Procedures (formerly UW-Stevens Point UPS Operational Policy GEN 14: Grievance Procedures). Effective July 1, 2015, the grievance procedures found at Chapter ER 46 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code and any procedures established by the Office of State Employment Relations are no longer applicable to current UW System University Staff employees. Therefore, this policy and these procedures provide grievance procedures for University Staff employees that hold positions with an expectation of continued employment at UW-Stevens Point.
3. Definitions
Chancellor’s designee: an administrative officer with the authority to hear and adjust personnel and policy actions when they have been grieved through this policy. At UW-Stevens Point, the Chancellor’s designee for University Staff grievances is the Director of Human Resources and Affirmative Action.
Discipline: any action taken by UW-Stevens Point with respect to a University Staff member with an expectation of continued employment, which has the effect, in whole or in part, of a correction of undesirable behavior.
Disciplinary actions: include written reprimands, suspension, demotion and reduction in base pay.
Dismissal: separation from employment for disciplinary or performance reasons.
Grievance procedure: the process through which certain working conditions, discipline, or dismissal of a UW System university staff member can be appealed. All university staff with an expectation of continued employment at UW-Stevens Point are eligible to file a grievance through this provision.
Impartial Hearing Officer: a grievance review committee (University Staff Grievance Subcommittee) established through the University Staff Council, an arbitrator from a roster developed by UW System Administration of arbitrators, an arbitrator from the Wisconsin Employment Relations. Commission (WERC) roster of neutral decision makers not employed by the WERC or an arbitrator employed by the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission.
Just Cause: a standard that is applied to determine the appropriateness of a disciplinary action. The elements of determining whether just cause exists include:
Whether the employee had notice of reasonable workplace expectations and the potential consequences if those expectations were not met;
Whether a full, fair and complete investigation was undertaken by the employer before discipline or discharge to determine whether the employee violated expectations;
Whether the employer obtained substantial evidence of the employee’s guilt;
Whether workplace expectations were applied equitably and without discrimination; and
Whether the degree of discipline imposed was reasonably related to the seriousness of the employee’s offense and the employee’s past record.
Layoff: separation from employment for reasons of budget or due to the discontinuance, curtailment, modification, or reduction of a program.
University Staff: are members of the university workforce that contribute in a broad array of positions in support of the university’s mission and are not exempt (e.g. hourly)¹
from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
University Staff Grievance Subcommittee: is a standing subcommittee of the University Staff Council, consisting of one elected representative from each employee group represented on the University Staff Council (i.e., Academic Affairs Division, Finance and Administration Division, Student Affairs Division, and at-large), and one appointed representative from the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action. Three additional members shall carry “replacement status” for hearing grievances in the event of an absence or conflict of interest of on the standing subcommittee members. Service on the University Staff Grievance Subcommittee will be conducted without loss of pay and subcommittee members will be released from their regular duties to participate.
Note: All FLSA exempt employees holding positions in the State of Wisconsin classified service as of June 30, 2015 are given the choice to remain in the University Staff for as long as they retain their existing positions, or to be voluntarily reassigned to a position that UW- Stevens Point has designated as either an Academic Staff or Limited Appointment position - see UW System Administrative Policy 1287 (formerly UPS Operational Policy TR 3)].
4. Grievable Subjects
University staff with an expectation of continued employment may file a formal grievance contesting layoffs and disciplinary actions if the employee alleges that the action was taken without just cause. These grievances may be moved through the steps of the grievance procedure as follows:
Layoffs may be grieved only through Step Two (A or B) of the grievance procedure. Written reprimands may be grieved only through Step One of the grievance procedure. Other disciplinary actions may be grieved only through Step Two of the grievance procedure. Dismissals may be grieved beginning at Step Two A or B, and Step Two A grievances may be processed through Step Three of the grievance procedure.
University staff may file a formal grievance regarding working conditions if the employee alleges that the employer failed to comply with an applicable policy, rule, or procedure. Such a grievance may allege that the University failed to provide safe working conditions. Grievances regarding working conditions may be grieved through Step One of the grievance procedure.
5. Non-Grievable Subjects
Actions not grievable under this policy include the following:
• Verbal warning or verbal reprimand
• Termination of an appointment for temporary employment
• Release from probation
• Performance evaluations
• Any matter alleging sexual harassment or matters alleging harassment and/or discrimination on the basis of protected class (e.g. age, race, creed, color, sex, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or arrest and conviction record) whose complaints are appropriate for the procedures of the UW-Stevens Point Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action, and other state and federal laws.
• Activities falling under management rights are not grievable. Management rights include, but are not limited to:
o Utilizing personnel, methods, and means in the most appropriate and efficient manner possible as determined by management
o Managing and directing employees
o Determining the size and composition of the work force
o Determining the content of written policies and procedures
o Managing the job evaluation system, which includes position classification, the establishment of position qualification standards, and the allocation of positions to classifications.
o Hiring, promotions, assigning or returning employees
o Establishing reasonable work expectations
6. Right to Representation
University staff employees have the right to representation at any meeting, including a hearing, if an employee reasonably believes that the meeting could lead to discipline. If appropriate notice is provided to the employer, employees and their representatives are permitted a reasonable amount of time to investigate and prepare a grievance without loss of pay. The representative has the right to observe and take notes. They have a limited right to speak but can serve as an advisor to the employee including repeating certain points stated by employee, explaining significance of points made by the employee, and speaking about practices at the work site. The representative has no right to speak for the employee in response to questions.
7. Grievance Procedure
Prior to filing a formal grievance, university staff employees are encouraged to first seek resolution of their grievances through informal discussions with their immediate supervisors, and/or the UW- Stevens Point Corrective Process (see Disciplinary Procedures and Corrective Process). The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action may serve as a resource to mediating a resolution. If such a discussion does not resolve the matter, an employee may file a formal grievance following the procedures set forth in this policy.
University Staff serving a probationary period do not have the right to file grievances on layoff or release from probation.
Discipline or dismissal of a University Staff member with an expectation of continued employment may be imposed only for just cause.
The University Staff Grievance Subcommittee will be provided with copies of letters of discipline issued to University Staff employees.
Grievances shall be submitted on a form provided by the employer. Only one subject matter may be covered in any one grievance. Each grievance shall describe the facts upon which the grievance is based and the relief sought by the employee.
The employee and the appropriate grievance step respondent may agree in writing to extend the time limits in any step of the grievance procedure. Parties are strongly encouraged to resolve situations prior to a grievance being filed, but upon filing, parties are encouraged to resolve grievances at early stages of grievance procedures.
UW-Stevens Point is prohibited from retaliating against a grievant for filing a grievance or against a representative or witness who participates, or is scheduled to participate, in grievance proceedings.
At any stage of the process, the employee may choose to submit a written statement in lieu of participating in a grievance hearing. The written statement will be considered in the same manner as an in-person hearing.
The grievant has the burden of proving his/her case by a preponderance of the evidence, except in the case of a discipline or dismissal, for which the University will have the burden of proving just cause by a preponderance of the evidence.
If an employee fails to observe any grievance procedures time limits, the grievance will be considered resolved. Time limits may be extended only by mutual agreement between the grievant and a UW- Stevens Point management designee.
Grievances shall be pursued in accordance with the following steps and time limits. Working condition and written reprimand grievances may be processed through Step One only. Layoff and discipline grievances will begin at Step One and may proceed no further than Step Two. Dismissal appeals will begin at Step Two, as outlined below, and may proceed to Step Three.
Step One:
If informal attempts to resolve a matter through discussion between an employee and supervisor are not successful, a grievance may be filed. Grievances shall be filed with the employee’s supervisor or with an HR representative no later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date the grievant first became aware, or should have become aware (with the exercise of reasonable diligence), of the matter grieved. Grievances shall be submitted on the UW-Stevens Point Employee Grievance Report (Attachment 1). Each grievance shall describe the facts upon which the grievance is based and the relief sought. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the written grievance, the respective university officer, or another appropriate management designee, will meet with the grievant to hear the grievance. The grievant shall receive a written decision no later than seven (7) calendar days after this meeting. If the subject of the grievance is not discipline or layoff, there will be no further opportunity for appeal.
Step Two A (Standard Procedure):
When an employee has filed a grievance alleging that a discipline decision (not including written reprimands) was not based on just cause and is dissatisfied with the Step One decision, the employee may appeal the decision to an impartial hearing officer. To file at Step Two A, the grievant must inform the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action of his or her desire to appeal within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the answer in Step One. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action will review the options for an impartial hearing officer with the employee. The employee must select which impartial hearing officer will hear the case at the time the appeal is filed. The arbitration fee, if applicable, shall be split equally between the University and the employee. In the event the employee prevails, the University will pay the full arbitration fee. An appeal of a dismissal will begin at Step Two and must be filed within twenty (20) calendar days of the date of written notice of dismissal.
At issue before the impartial hearing officer will be whether just cause for the discipline or discharge exists. For cases involving layoff, the issue before the impartial hearing officer will be whether the applicable layoff procedure was followed.
The impartial hearing officer may refuse to hear a grievance for lack of timeliness or because the attempted grievance involves a non-grievable issue.
The impartial hearing officer will be charged with hearing the case within thirty (30) calendar days of the filing, and responding within fourteen (14) calendar days of the hearing. The deadlines may be extended by mutual agreement. Hearings may be recorded. The hearing shall be closed unless it is opened by mutual consent.
The impartial hearing officer will make a report and recommendations to the Chancellor or to another appropriate management designee within fourteen (14) calendar days of the hearing. Within twenty (20) calendar days of receipt of the report and recommendations, the management designee shall issue a statement accepting or rejecting the findings of the impartial hearing officer and explaining how the recommendations will be implemented.
Step Two B (Grandfathered Procedure for Certain University Staff):
An employee who held permanent status in State employment prior to July 1, 2015 and according to the provisions of Wis. Stat. § 36.115(6) retains Wisconsin Statute Chapter 230 appeal rights, instead of using the Standard Procedure may appeal a disciplinary action (suspension, demotion, or reduction in base pay), layoff or discharge using the following special procedure. Such a grievance
may be appealed directly from Step One to the Chancellor’s designee within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the answer in Step One. The Chancellor’s designee will meet with the grievant to hear the grievance within thirty (30) calendar days of the filing, and will answer within fourteen (14) calendar days of the hearing. The deadlines may be extended by mutual agreement.
The grievant shall have the right to be represented at the hearing. The hearing shall be closed unless it is opened by mutual consent.
Thereafter, if the employee is still dissatisfied with the decision as issued by the Chancellor’s designee, the employee may appeal the decision to the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) under Wis. Stat. § 230.44(1)(c) within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the decision being appealed. If an appeal to WERC is filed, no further steps in the grievance process will apply. The decision of the WERC may be subject to judicial review, but no appeal to the UW Board of Regents is available.
Step Three - UW Board of Regents Review:
For cases of dismissal only, a grievant that is dissatisfied with the Step Two A (Standard Procedure) decision may appeal the decision to the UW Board of Regents. If the matter is not appealed to the Board of Regents within thirty (30) calendar days, the grievance will be considered ineligible for Board review. Upon receiving an appeal, the President of the Board shall refer the appeal to the Board of Regents Personnel Matters Review Committee. In accordance with Board of Regents Bylaws, the Committee shall conduct a review based on the record of the matter created by the impartial hearing officer and the Chancellor’s designee, and it shall prepare recommended findings and a decision, and shall transmit them to the full Board for final action. The full Board may confirm the Committee’s recommendations, the Chancellor’s designee’s decision, or it may direct a different decision. No further appeal shall be available to the parties.
UW-Stevens Point is prohibited from granting relief that is retroactive beyond thirty (30) calendar days immediately preceding the filing of the grievance at the first step. No financial award may be ordered for any employee beyond back pay and benefits actually lost.
For information about the operation of the grievance procedure or how to appeal an action, contact the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action at 715-346-2606.
8. Related Documents
• UW-Stevens Point Corrective Process
• UW-Stevens Point Disciplinary Procedures
• UW-System Administrative Policy 1233: Grievance Procedures (formerly UPS Operational Policy: GEN 14: Grievance Procedures)
9. Policy History
April 12, 2016: Links, contact information updated (phone number added), and formatting to align with UWSP policy formatting.
April 20, 2017: University Staff Council revisions to revise University Staff Grievance “Committee” to “Subcommittee,” clarify membership of the University Staff Grievance Subcommittee, and clarify “days” as “calendar days.”
Attachment #1
UW- Stevens Point Employee Grievance Report
Reporting form is located on page 6 in the UW System policy document, which is found at the following site:
Use of Drones/Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
The University of Wisconsin Stevens-Point in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin System regulates the operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for both recreational and educational purposes on all University properties. The University recognizes that the use of UAS devices has significant current and future academic applications.
Innovative technology generally comes with public regulatory requirements for privacy, safety and security. These campus guidelines establish additional policy on top of FAA guidelines and requirements that promote safe and responsible use of unmanned aircraft, which can be found at
Flight Policy
The Federal Aviation Administration maintains policy and guidelines for UAS flight in the United States. The FAA policy can be found at
UWSP Risk Management provides oversight over UAS usage. Current policy and requirements regarding UAS use can be found on their Drone/UAS info page at
UWSP UAS policy applies to all members of the University of Wisconsin Stevens-Point community, and any person or entity not affiliated with the University who may operate a UAS on or over university property or land and includes recreational and non-recreational aircraft. Any person operating a UAS on university land is personally liable and responsible for complying with FAA regulations, state and federal laws, and university policies, and may be subject to disciplinary action and enforcement.
Updates of the policy
This policy may be updated as appropriate in light of institutional experience and external regulatory changes.
Additional Information:
• State and Local drone policy
UW-Stevens Point Historic Preservation Subcommittee Acquisitions Policy
The UWSP Historic Preservation Subcommittee Collections Management and Accessions Policy establishes formal guidelines for the acquisition, deaccession, loan, care and use of its collections. These policies shall not replace any state or federal law, statute or regulation under which the Committee is legally or ethically bound to operate. The large number of artifacts already under our care requires that we follow certain criteria when determining whether to accept new items for the collection. Factors include not only storage, but long-term preservation costs and potential for research and exhibit use. Our first consideration is whether the artifact(s) supports our mission.
Mission of the Committee
The mission of the UW-Stevens Point Historic Preservation Subcommittee is to identify, refurbish, protect and preserve for posterity the history of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
As used in this policy: The collections of the UWSP HPS are defined as historical, and art objects and related supporting documentation acquired and conserved because of their historical and cultural significance and value.
• The term “object” refers to, but is not restricted to, all collection materials, including specimens, artifacts, documents, furniture, photographs, and works of art.
• “Supporting documentation” includes, but is not limited to, archival and library materials, field records, notebooks, maps, photographs, exhibits and electronic databases.
• “Accessioning” is defined as the process of creating a permanent record of an object, assembly, or lot received from one source at one time for which the UWSP Historic Preservation Subcommittee has permanent custody, right or title, and assigning a unique control number to said object, assembly or lot.
• “Deaccessioning” is the action of removing an accessioned object by due process from the permanent collection. The process is documented and made part of the permanent record.
• The collections are managed by the UWSP Historic Preservation Subcommittee, whose members are knowledgeable in fields related to the collections, and who is responsible for all aspects of curation and maintenance of those collections, including acquisition and recommendation for deaccessioning, conservation, interpretation, approval for exhibition, loan access, research, and publication.
• UWSP Historic Preservation Subcommittee may be abbreviated as: UWSP HPS.
Acquisition of Objects for the Committee’s Collections:
Donor’s restrictions, conditions, or encumbrances:
• Generally, all objects entering the UWSP HPS shall be without any restrictions, conditions, or encumbrances. The UWSP HPS reserves the right to use all gifts in the manner which best serves the UWSP HPS and its Mission Statement.
• Objects accepted and accessioned into the collections must support the mission of the UWSP Historic Preservation Subcommittee.
• The objects must represent or relate to the culture and history of UWSP and its relation to Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
• Objects should be acquired in a manner that respects the public trust and does not damage the historical or cultural resources of the area.
• The UWSP HPS may acquire objects by purchase, contract, gift, bequest, exchange, field collecting or other appropriate means.
• Objects will be accepted and accessioned into the UWSP HPS collections when the following conditions are met:
1. The UWSP HPS can provide proper care, conservation, and storage under conditions insuring their preservation and availability, in keeping with professional standards.
2. Title to all objects acquired for the collections shall be obtained free and clear, permanently, and without restrictions as to the use, exhibition, loan, or future disposition. (See UWSP Deed of Gift Form for additional details).
3. Approval to accept and accession an object into the collections can only be granted by the UWSP HPS.
4. All acquisitions that require additional resources to house or maintain will require approval by the UWSP HPS.
5. Since the UWSP HPS has space and financial limitations, it subscribes to a policy of selective acquisitions.
6. Objects for which it is anticipated that no foreseeable use for exhibition, research, education or exchange, will not be accepted.
7. Historical resources are protected by a variety of statutes. The UWSP HPS will only acquire such specimens collected in compliance with all pertinent regulations.
Deaccession and Disposal of Objects from the Collections:
Accessioned objects are held in trust for the public in perpetuity as long as:
1. They retain their physical integrity, their identity, and their authenticity.
2. They continue to be relevant and useful to the UWSP HPS’s purposes and programs. They can be properly stored, preserved, and used.
3. Only the UWSP HPS has the authority to recommend objects to be deaccessioned. That person must fill out a UWSP HPS Deaccession 39 Form. Once approved, an entry will be made into the permanent records stating that the objects have been deaccessioned.
4. Objects will be considered for deaccessioning under one of the following circumstances:
a. The object is no longer relevant to the mission of the UWSP HPS.
b. Inadequate documentation or absence of documentation critically reduces the cultural or scientific value or significance of the object.
c. The object cannot be preserved, or has deteriorated and is no longer of any cultural or scientific value.
d. The object represents an unacceptable hazard to personnel, or to other collections.
Disposition of Deaccessioned objects:
Any object(s) selected and approved by the UWSP HPS for deaccessioning should be transferred or disposed of as follows:
1. The Portage County Historical Society, or appropriate educational institutions should be contacted regarding the availability of the items for exchange or donation depending on the nature of the items.
2. Consideration will be given to placing the object(s) with UWSP Surplus Property, or with other educational institutions.
3. If the object cannot be disposed of in any of the above manners it will be destroyed. Destruction is defined as the obliteration of an object or specimen by physical or mechanical means.
4. The disposal method must be both documented and witnessed.
5. Deaccessioned objects will not be given, exchanged, or sold privately to employees of the UWSP HPS, members of governing authorities or their representatives, members of Museum support groups or volunteers without the approval of the UWSP HPS.
Loans are transfers of objects from one institution to another in which there is no transfer of ownership. The UWSP HPS sends or receives loans for the purpose of research, education, or exhibition. The UWSP HPS will exercise the same care of objects received on loan as it does in safekeeping its own objects.
Incoming Loans
1. All objects borrowed by the UWSP HPS are its responsibility and care will be taken to house the specimens properly and to have all documentation available.
2. The UWSP HPS will not knowingly accept incoming loans of objects acquired or collected illegally or not in compliance with all applicable international, national, state, and local laws and regulations.
3. The UWSP HPS will not transfer possession or alter in any way objects it has received on loan without the express written approval of the lending institution.
4. The UWSP HPS is responsible for the loan arrangements, shipping/receiving, insurance and conservation of traveling exhibits.
5. The UWSP HPS will insure incoming loans for exhibit and research purposes once the loan is in the care, custody and control of the UWSP HPS. Coverage will be through the general UWSP HPS policy for its holdings; other coverage can be obtained for loans through written contractual agreements.
Outgoing Loans
The UWSP HPS lends objects to qualified institutions for scholarly research and exhibition, subject to policies and practices within each collection. The following conditions apply to all loans:
1. The borrowing institution will not transfer possession, repair, clean or restore objects it has received on loan without the express written approval of the UWSP HPS.
2. Loans promoting the UWSP HPS in public buildings are permitted, providing the objects in such loans are displayed under approved environmental and security conditions.
3. Outgoing loans will be for a period determined by the UWSP HPS.
4. The UWSP HPS does not grant loans of its collections to private or corporate establishments, except for educational, non-profit purposes.
5. The borrowing institution will assume full responsibility for any loss of or damage to the objects.
6. The UWSP HPS requires that the borrower insure objects loaned for exhibition.
7. The UWSP HPS does not require that the borrower insure loans for research purposes unless the UWSP HPS specifically requests such coverage.
8. Objects on loan from the UWSP HPS will not be reproduced/replicated in any manner without permission of the UWSP HPS.